2011년 12월 13일 화요일

Hair Care Instructions and Tips

Hair Care Instructions
(With hair-care tips)

1.     Remove any tangle (if present) with a wide-tooth comb.
2.     Hold the extension by the clip and gently wet the extension with lukewarm (or cold) water.
3.     Using a wig shampoo, gently wash the hair. Do not rub; instead, try to massage the hair gently.
4.     Rinse with cold water.
5.     (Optional) Apply wig conditioner and rinse.
6.     Blot the excess water with a towel and pat dry.
7.     (Optional) Use leave-in conditioner or serums for that extra shine!

Helpful tips:
1.       Remember to comb downward from the lower section of the extension and work your way up.
2.       Using cold water helps to maintain shine.
3.       Never use a hair dryer to dry your extensions.
4.       Never, ever, ever, ever ever use oil sheen. It builds up in your hair like its nobodys business. Yuck!
5.       Use a serum instead. It adds shine without the build -up.